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Robert Victor



Bob laisse dans le deuil ses enfants Luke , Anna et Emily , quatre petits-enfants, sa soeur Maggie et son frère Ian ainsi que ses six neveux et nièces. Bob était inventeur (Miracle Antenna), musicien et aventurier (la course destination monde 94-95).

Puisse t-il reposer en paix!

Judy Pitt née gray

22 / 08 / 2012

Dear Margie, What a tragic loss for you and your family. I was impressed to read he was an inventor. I remember him fixing my transistor radio after my dad had tried and failed My dad was very impressed with Rob's talent at 11 years old! My love to you and Ian and your family. Judy

Thorley Powell

24 / 08 / 2012

Bob was a friend from days past in Beaconsfield.. he was the neighourhood electronics wiz. I have very fond memories of Bob and his ingenuity. Peace to you Bob

Tom Holden VE3MEO

25 / 09 / 2012

My sympathies to Robert's family and business colleagues. I am but one of his customers for the Miracle Whi antennap, never met him, but had very enjoyable public and private correspondence over matters technical. His 'thinking outside of the box' invention stimulated many hours of experimentation and research on my part after I retired. The amateur radio community has already missed him over the preceding year of his illness and now he has signed 30. 73, Bob.

Victor Raymond

06 / 06 / 2019

Bob and I played music together in Beaconsfield, throughout high school and beyond. Sad to hear of his passing. He will always be remembered.